Friday, August 29, 2003

it was cold enough this morning that i had to wear jeans and a sweatshirt... most people think i am crazy, but really i dont mind getting up at 4 am to be at work for 430... i guess you just have to love what you do... i know i do...

i left my house in the dark, in the light and shadows cast from out front entryway light i could see my breath in the air... the clock said 420am, and the thermometer read 48 degrees... yea that would be 16 degrees away from freezing... i got in the car and he whispered good morning, going on further to explain that the reason he was whispering was so he wouldnt wake himself up... the logic being, that if he really truly woke up, when we were done work at 900 he wouldnt be able to properly fall back asleep... so in an effort not to wake up we went the rest of the ride in silence... however when he switched on the radio and blasted his funky 80's music, i wondered how anyone could stay in a peaceful state between asleep and awake... i didnt ask tho...

we had a light work load, but despite that we worked quickly, it was too cold to fool around... then every early morning, around 6am when the sky begins to get gray, and the birds begin to chirp, (they dont really sing that early in the morning, contrary to popular belief, they are really just warming up their vocal cords, it sounds almost scary i think untill about 8) that is when we slow down... it is our morning ritual to gather out back around about 6 630, depending upon the sun, and we sit and watch the sun rise... of course because of all the trees when we actually see it it has already been up for a few minutes... so we watch it rise above the tree line... but in those fifteen silent minutes of the morning, with the birds chirping, and all of us standing, or like me most often sitting the the wet grass (being to tired to bother standing) it seems like there can be no evil in the world, just us, all four of us, sometimes five, sitting there in silence, watching the beauty of the world at work... and when the sun is up, we go back to work, hopefully finishing around 9 sometimes 10 if we are slow, and sometimes 8 if we are fast... and then i head home... and usually go to sleep, not seeing the sun again for quite sometime... but when i wake up, from my nap that is, and decide to finish the rest of my day, i look out at the beautiful bright sky and smile, because i shared something beautiful, seen by very few others, with some of the people that i love the most in the world...

so no, i dont really mind starting early in the morning, i beat the heat of the summer, can have the rest of the day off, and i can watch the sunrise... so when i pretend to complain next time, please tell me to shut up, because you know the truth... haha, i really dont mind getting up early...

much love,



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