Sunday, June 27, 2004

she has this hat that pretty much sums it all up.

'life is good.'

i love summer, it is the most wonderful thing in the world.

i am so happy. all smiles.

a little stressed about work, and mean people, and that whole stupid money situation, but i think this year i have the guts to put my foot down... maybe :-/

... but other than that, all smiles. and smiling is soo good.

night my loves. sweet dreams. :-D and happy summer!


Blogger loo said...

Happy Sumnmer to you too darling!!
and ignore those mean people.... we don't like them anyway. Give them a smile and your blessing to hope that they find happiness and then just ignore them :) It's easier that way.

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

summer is the best ever!

we had a good time last night woman, and today for that matter.

you got your face stuck in a vollyball net and got a cut, i got hit in the stomach with the ball and then, i kicked a rock instead of the ball.

getting ready for the day at like 7 in the pm, and still being exhausted from the night before:-)

my hat kicks butt! thanks for writing about it, it is honored.

thanks for being the bestest ever!

love ya,


12:36 AM  

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