we stumble out of cars late at night. late nights are our thing. i am afraid to leave the warmth of being with you. all of you. your joy keeps me warm and glowing, and i feed off of your energy like crazy, soaking it up like a flower in the sunshine, i bask in your happiness.
later that night, when my eye lids no longer want to stay open i sit waiting on the couch for your arrival. the only thing keeping sleep and dreams from my eyes and mind is the thought of your smile filled and giggly arrive that almost always walks in my front door.
upon your arrival we of course stay up much later than even before, because, i feed off of your excitment, and am awakened in your presence. i will pay tomorow in school, i know, but that i will worry about tomorow, because now, now is time to laugh and giggle and talk. because when you are home we must take advantage of all the time we can.
sometimes when i miss you when you are gone i go back through the months and read about all the adventures we have gone on. tonight reminds me of new years last year, when you kept me up till 5 am when i had to work at 8 am the next day. i remember almost everything. it is crazy how different little things remind me of the all too many memorable moments of we have had together. and so, when reading about new years i also stumbled across my '04 resolution, and since, i think of all people you know me the best i will ask you best friend, or anyone. did i keep my resolution? i know its a little early to ask, but hey i still have a few days to try.
2004 New Years Resolution: Follow through with all of the things I say I am going to do. (Because I am a person that has made far to many broken promises.)
Merry Christmas everyone. much love.
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