Thursday, May 26, 2005

ill never forget the first time i saw you, when i say saw you i mean really saw you saw you. it was about two weeks into freshmen year, even though we had a last period spanish class together, where we sat across the room from each other, but you didnt mean a whole lot to me then. then you were just a face, a face across the room, a stranger, someone i didnt know, or care to either. i was scared, i was little, i wasnt sure about who i really was. i dont care what they say all freshmen are babies, and i was too.

but the first time i saw you, that was about two weeks into school, we had our first class assembly, and you spoke to the entire class. you stood in front of a group of your peers, mostly strangers, tall and proud, and gave your class speech. i dont remember anyone else that ran that year other than you, i was amazed that you were brave enough to commit such a daring act, as you know public speaking is not exactly my forte, and i admired you for it. but mostly, i was scared of you.

you were bigger, and 'popular', and brave. and i was little. but i liked you, i did, i wanted to be your friend.

and here we are four years later, and if you were to run for office again i think i would stand up on that stage in front of our peers and scream how amazing and wonderful and caring and independent you have grown to be. i would tell them all just how proud of you i am in so many ways. and just how lucky i am to be your friend. thats what i would do, for you Paige, because despite the stage fright, (which has improved) i would do it anyways, because you deserve it, because i am just that damn proud of you.

each and everyday we spend together you continue to amaze me. i am constantly seeking self improvement, and i have found you to be one of my number one role models.
.....thank you for sharing with me some of the best years, and for teaching me some of life's greatest lessons....

you darling are more than i could have asked for in a friend. your lessons, your love, your ideals will stay with me forever. because you my dear are a forever friend. and i think you know what i mean...

"are we going to be friends forever?" asked piglet.
.............."even longer." answered pooh.


Blogger mypage said...

ok I won't lie... I cried. Thank you katie, for sharing some of your best years with me.

I look up to you even tho you're shorter than I am, you have dedication and passion beyond your age. You're just quiet about who you are.

Please just never change, because I want to know you forever and I love you just the way you are.

11:54 AM  

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