Tuesday, April 13, 2004

understand me. understand that i am not always the same person. sometimes i can be crazy fun, and sometimes i just want to go for a drive in the rain to think, but know that i always enjoy company. be patient. sometimes when i get really upset i argue about frivolous things. let me yell, and then let it pass, because in ten minutes when i am no longer angry, i will be the sorriest person you have ever met for acting so childishly. dont always agree with me. contrary to my own belief i am not alway right, no matter how badly i want to be. dont let me win arguments that i shouldnt. respect my own, and your intelligence. Disagreements are healthy, they are needed in every relationship. understand that i can have my bad days along with my good days. but the bad ones are few and far between, and the good ones can more than make up for that. know me, because i want to know you. know me. find out my faults, help me become a better person, and i will do the same for you. know that when i watch movies i always try to predict the endings, and if you have seen it already, never tell me how it ends no matter how many times i ask, in reality i dont want to know, and i will just be angry if you do tell me.

trust me. trust me when i say i will be there. trust me when i promise you something, i will come through. if you dont trust me, i can never trust you. trust me to catch you when you fall, and expect that sometimes i will ask this of you. sing to me. sing me sweet songs, and i won't laugh, no matter how well or poorly you sing, because if it is from the heart it doesnt matter. play me music, because musicians and musical talent get me everytime. let me meet your family. family is important, and your family should be as important to me as you are.

smile at me, and let me smile at you. laugh with me, and at me when appropriate. tell me your deepest darkest secrets, and i will tell you mine. tell me your dreams, tell me your wishes no matter how silly. tell me your desires. tell me about your past. let me know things about you that no one else knows. let me help you find yourself, and help me find myself.

take me places that you like to visit. show me what you love. tell me about your passions, because i want to know. what is important to you is important to me. listen to me talk about my passions. care. plain and simple, care about what i have to say, because i certainly will care about what you say.

take me on adventures. let us explore places together that we have never been too.
let me be alone sometimes as well. i need my alone time and so do you. being together all the time is not healthy. plus, being apart will only make the times together more special.

love me for who i am, and i will return that love and i will love you for who you are.


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