new england morgan horse show: spotlights, sweat, hardwork, beauty, pride.
it all comes with a price. we work for months, years even perfecting our craft, building relationships and bonds with our life's work. to describe it one can only simply state that it is hard. hard in that it is physically and mentally exhausting. hard in that at the end of the day it all comes down to one persons opinion. hard in the fact that that one person has no idea how long or hard you worked to get where you are, or how early you might have gotten up that day to clean stalls or braid or get everyone else's horse ready to go and because of that you are a little on the tired side. they only know what they see. and we all know appearances can be rather deceiving.
but at the end of the day, it doesnt matter what place you got. it doesnt matter what that one persons opinion is, or isnt of you. what does matter is that you are doing what you love to do more than anything in the world. what does matter is that you are going to do it until you get it right, and no one can deny it of your or stop you. what does matter is the fact that no matter how hard you worked that day you can still work harder the next to become better. what does matter is that you keep on dreaming, and keep on believing that there is and always will be a way for you to do this.
what does matter is that you can laugh and cry and be happy and proud about who you are and what you do with your life. what does matter is that you believe.
where there is a will there is a way.
i believe in miracles, i believe in fairytale endings.
but above all i believe in hard work.
and because of that i believe that there is sunshine and blues in the future.
and believe you me, whether it is in 2 weeks or 20 years, i will be around to know about it. because there is something in this that brings me to life in a way that is simply indescribable.
someday i will hit that show ring and people will take one look and just know. they will know im here not only to win, but to show them more heart and soul than they have before seen in their life, and the show of their lifetime.
i believe
i love your passion, but you alerady knew that.
thank you kind stranger that i apparently know.
hahah sorry I'm on my new comp, and all my comments come up annonymous... its paige love you!
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