Wednesday, June 30, 2004

i remember the way everything looked that day.

the sun, the trees, the pure white of the snow.

the people, the faces, the smiles, the house, the color of your shirt when you hugged me and held me so close to you for so long i thought you would never let go.

i remember it was a blue shirt, not quite navy and not quite royal blue, but a shade in between. but where my face was pressed up so close to it it was dark blue. it was dark blue and salty, salty from my tears, and smelled of spring rain, the lingering smell of your laundry detergent.

and for a moment that seemed infinite you held me, and i can still see your shirt, and smell the spring rain and taste the salt of my tears.

it was a moment. it was a moment in time that will never be forgotten.

the way you handed me the little box poorly wrapped in yellow tissue paper. how i opened it with shaking hands, knowing but not knowing what it was at the same time.

how when you said to me, katie wait, there is one more. the room went silent, they all knew. all of them knew but me.

how i shook when i saw it, when i read it, how i didnt realize it, but the tears were streaming down my face before i could even look up.

my complete and utter shock.

there has never been a moment such as that before in my life.

and looking back on it now, the thing i remember most is the color of your shirt, and the taste of my tears....

interesting. almost a preview to the future... one that i didnt want, but happened nonetheless.

but... at least i know i will always have your shoulder...


Blogger loo said...

aww man Kaite... I have no idea what this blogger is about but I really want to know :)

2:14 PM  
Blogger mypage said...

me too me too

3:19 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

the day i got major. and then when i lost him. :-/

5:21 PM  
Blogger mypage said...

well katie like you said I am here for you and I know you'll be there for me. Just don't hesitate to ask. be good :-)

9:13 PM  
Blogger loo said...

and who's shoulder?

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie, I remember the day you got Major too. Everyone but you and I knew about it, I was told that someone out "west" bought him and that he was leaving soon (I was really really mad that jamie would just send him away like that). He was such an amazing horse, his picture is still on my wall and I still miss him. Another Major will come your way...don't worry.


8:47 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

thanks steve, i sure hope so.

all i know is, i am glad to have had the time i had with him. it was fate that you had him first, and i was soo lucky you did, because if it wasn't for you i probably never would have had that amazing chance.

life is funny that way, always throwing you curve balls. but thank you soo much, i'll NEVER forget it.

6:32 AM  

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