this blogger was written upon special request...
but, it is important enough that it needs to be said.
just so you all know...
ashley bedard is the coolest thing since sliced bread.
and sliced bread, is pretty damn cool... like, what is there cooler than the concept of perfectly sliced, precut, fluffy, white delicious bread.
ok so maybe i'm a little hungry, and craving a sandwich too...
but for real... this girl rocks.
and i will miss her when she leaves on sunday for college. i will miss her a whole lot.
thank katie
you're the bestest friend ever:o)
Im gonna miss you a whole lot too but you can come visit me, you can bring people too. it will be like a party in the tiniest dorm room ever. haha
thanks for everything, i appreciate it all.
Ash B is the coolest thing ever... she's one of those people who when you're with her, you become little girls again; you giggle and laugh and make fun of each other, and other people...
and you forget that you're almost grown-up already.
so thanks Ashley.
You're welcome Lauren!!
Iloooooooove you:o)
Here's to childhood.
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