i remember the first day you came. i watched you walk in from a distance... it was hot outside, and the air was thick with excitement. we had no idea who you were, but we wanted you to stay.
and stay you did.
i remember we used to draw straws as to who had to work for you during the day. i always lost in the beginning, until it got to the point where it was just a given that i would work for you.
some days i hated you. some days i wished you wouldnt come. but the good days more than made up for the bad ones. i learned to trust you, and you trusted me. you taught me as we went. we worked incredibly well together. we grew together.
time went on and things changed. i learned more in the past two summers than i have ever before.
and now i have another memory to add to the bank. i will forever remember the day you walked away.
today you walked away for the last time. it was strange how it all hit me.
all of a sudden, like a light going on in my head i realized you were never coming back. period.
you walked over to me and asked if i was alright, because you could tell that i wasnt.
i promised myself i wouldnt cry. and i didnt. i didnt want you to see me cry, because i know it is all for the best.
but as i watched you walk away, for the last time i felt empty inside. everything happened so fast. i knew you were leaving, i watched you pack, i knew you had to go, but now, all of a sudden, gone....
and today im not ready. i dont want you to go, not yet. i need you still.
i need you to tell me that everything will be alright, and that it is all a bad dream. i need you to wake me up, laugh at me, because i am crying as a result of this bad dream, and tell me that nothing has changed.
that is what i want anyways.
but i know it cant happen. and you are gone. and you arent coming back.
i felt empty as i watched you walk away, empty and broken, and afraid.
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