oh boy....
here we go crashing down this path we call life, blazing trails, and making ways together. we can find a path wide enough for 2 and keep it that way.
he takes me to fields where we can look at the stars together. shooting stars streak across the sky, across our path, and i tell you to make a wish. i wonder what you wish for, and almost forget to make my own. but you remind me, as you always do, and i make one just in time. steamy waters, and sophisticated conversation fill the rest of the evening, and eventually when we lose our way with words, we sleep together. and no, not like that, thank you. but actual sleep. reasons justify all actions, no matter how silly, and i am glad you are understanding. if we couldnt talk then everything would fall apart, but we never seem to be at a loss for words.
you drive me home early in the morning, there is a cheshire cat moon smiling down at us, and the stars are still there as bright as ever.
i have trouble falling asleep in my own bed alone, and i dont understand at first. but then i realize, i am freezing cold... you never let me get cold.
take me in your arms,
and tell me it's alright to dream.
dream away beautiful :)
much love.
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