Monday, March 07, 2005

because sometimes i think i dig for answers that i just wont find, and i try to see things that arent there to make myself feel better.

i settle quickly and easily into a routine, but i am not always happy. i have this incredible mask though, but it isnt always the truth you see in my eyes, as much as i want it to be. and as much as i hate lying to myself or anyone else.

i sat on the kitchen floor the other night petting my dog trying to convince myself that this was how it should be. that i should be happy all the time, because i have no reason to be sad, and that i have all a girl could ever ask for at this moment in time.

and i am happy. and i am settled, and stable, and secure. but why should one settle?

so much more i could see, and do, and live and experience. and you want to know the only thing that is holding me back from anything and everything i think i may want. no one but me.

no it's not that im not happy, or i am lacking in anything, i just want more.

i am a greedy complaining bitch.

but at least i know it... if that is consoling at all.


Blogger mypage said...

I understand though, I feel that way all the time. I am happy and I have so much to be happy about, but I want more. You are not a bitch nor greedy nor anything besides wonderfuly.... but if you want more, you have to go get it. No one can do it for you

2:34 PM  
Blogger loo said...

now Katie, you are a very silly girl. (notice how that doesn't say greedy complaining bitch)

You can be content and happy in this daily routine but thirst for more- that's ok!
Now it's just time for you to decide WHEN it's the right time to take the leap of faith and to go for something more, to explore.

One... Two... Three... ... jump?

8:18 AM  

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