it is almost the end of summer, and major life changes are on the horizon.
we work together on quiet monday mornings sharing in the early heat and humidity our love for not only life but work. we might complain about our bosses, and the hours, and the heat, but at the end of the day we can share with each other the love we have for this work.
she is still on cloud nine from a great weekend, and the ride of a lifetime. i know how it feels and i am soaring the clouds with her, letting her tell me over and over again how amazing it felt to have that ride in that ring, and win. i want to do it all again. i want to ride, and i want to feel that amazing connection, knowing that no matter what you place in a class you had a ball....
i tell her about major, and our summer of glory. i miss him so much, and i yearn to find another animal with such passion and love for what he does as maj had. or at least to have that opportunity.
for now though (because you can't always get what you want) i will live in her glory, because it is almost as good as feeling it for yourself. that smile is priceless...
you'll find it again, you'll find another animal, another partner, obviously not as good as major, but great in his/her own way... and when you find it, you'll appreciate it all the more. keep your head up. be good
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