life is not simple. life is very very messy. sometimes it is good messy, the kind that makes you smile at the end of the day because even though it is chaotic its good chaos. and sometimes it is messy like, how will we ever get to the other side of this disaster kind of messy, and that kind makes you want to hang your head and cry at the end of the day.
but as much as that might make you feel minutely better... it never solves the problem. crying never changed anybodies life. it just makes you feel runny and messier and well sad.
so get through it, get through the mess.... wade into the ocean full steam ahead, dont look back, dont cry, dont laugh, just go for it.
and even if the other side isnt that pretty.... at least at the end of the day you made it through, and you weren't left with a mountain of mess or an ocean of tears.
I actually completely disagree... I love a good cry, and who doesn't love a good laugh... enjoy every part of life, even the messy ones. Take in every ounce of stress and every moment of joy because thats what life is about... living and feeling.
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