Sunday, January 25, 2004

Last night I went to Mexico.

I went on an hour long drive to Mexico to get Goya Maria Crackers. Well actually they were cookies. Goya Maria Cookies.

Did you know the Goya Bean company made cookies?

I didn't. I also learned that there is such a thing as Chicken in a Biscut. they are crackers. Imagine that, crackers with chicken flavoring. what is this world coming to? Guess you can learn a lot of cool things when you go on a drive all the way to Mexico.

We went to 7 stores before we finally gave up and settled on Goya Maria. All the way in Mexico.

And all we wanted were graham crackers. Graham crackers, to make smores, and we ended up all the way in Mexico with Goya Maria.

So we went home, and made Smoras. Because you have to have Mexican smores when you have Mexican cookies to make them on...


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