Tuesday, February 10, 2004

the sky was a shade of orange you rarely see as I drove to work today. it was a brilliant orange, the kind that makes you warm just to look at it.

it made me smile. for it made me think of spring. today when I walked out of school a brisk breeze blew through my hair. And for the first time in a lond time I was completely comfortable in only my sweater. a comfort I missed a great deal. and I could smell a change in the breeze.

and I think it is about time for a change. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE winter and snow. but it is just about time for a change to take place. everything seems to be so blah right now.

so I will welcome the wind of change.

I'm ready for anything now, which is a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. It feels good to be ready, for what I don't know. let's just hope for something good.

and I say bring it on...


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