they sit way up high, on their thrones, looking down their long noses at the people below. the princess and the queen, high and mighty, shoulders tall, looking down upon everyone.
you might think it is impossible at only 4' 11'' to look down upon someone, and yes while physically this is an impossibility if you are above the height of 4' 11'', it is not mentally. because it is managed all the time... I would call it a feat in itself, if it didn't hurt so much.
they sit upon their lavish thrones, looking down upon the people around them, and complain. you may think what is there to complain about if all you do is sit upon a thrown and look down on people all day? well I guess there is plenty, because they do it all the time.
they complain about all sorts of things. about working, about how much they have to do, about this and that, a lot about the fact that I am not one of them, because god knows life would be so much better if I was just like them. then they wouldn't have to worry about me noticing how they complain all the time.
what absolutely kills me though, is how they complain all the time about how things never get better.
how do you expect things to get better if all you do all day is sit on your royal asses and complain?
there is a question for you.
now don't get me wrong, I know I do my fair share of complaining every now and then. we all do. I most certainly am not perfect. and if I had the guts, I would tell you all of these things, I would tell you all of this, in a nicer way, but harsh enough to drive the point home. and then I would tell you that you are the reason that I am miserable most of the time. and you are the reason that you are miserable all the time too...
and most of all YOU, miss Queen, and miss Princess, are not perfect either.
take a good look around you, you are so lucky to have it that good. I love it, I love you, despite how it may seem, and you would love it, and yourselves more if you just came down off of your little thrones, stopped complaining, and enjoyed yourself and the moment for once.
Because you know, you only have one life to live, one chance. and it may sound corny, but when you are 80 years old do you want to look back at your life and regret all this time you wasted. I mean, maybe you are happy, up on your thrones complaining...
but you sure don't seem it.
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